HI friends! To keep my creative juices flowing, I love to chill and relax. Here’s a fun exercise I enjoy when I want to discover some of my latent hopes and wishes. The crazier the answers, the better for me. That helps my brain switch into higher gears of creativity.

I complete the statement:

If I could ………………., I would …………….

Some of my answers:

1. If I could sing pitch-perfect, I would give a concert for free.

2. If I could fly my own plane, I would go to my favorite spots around the world on a whim.

3. If I could eat anything and not feel limited by dietary restrictions, I would have endless buffets.

4. If I could read minds, I would get into private investigation and solve a lot of crimes.

5. If I could experience osmosis, I would go to libraries and transform my brain into the richest databank.

Haha! So, you guys have a pretty good idea of how it goes!😄💛🌟

Woah, don’t keep me in suspense, though!

How would you complete the statement?

“If I could ………………., I would …………….”

Yay let’s have fun with our “coulds” and “would s”, shall we? ……. or “should” we? Haha! ❤️

27 thoughts on “IF I COULD, I WOULD! ❤️”

    1. Yummmmmmy!!!! You made me suddenly crave for a cheeseburger!!! 🍔💛😁 Ohhh a bit of a “torture” for me though (due to dietary restrictions…. well, I can still remember how great it tastes ….. thank God for my former romance with cheeseburgers 🍔🥰 haha! 😂😅 God bless you Ryan! ❤️

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  1. If I could read minds, I would get into private investigation and solve a lot of crimes!
    That made me laugh so loudly! Like for example, find out who stole my chocolate from the fridge!
    I think, I’m going to steal that line and make that my answer too!
    Good post! 🌼

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    1. “Like for example, find out who stole my chocolate from the fridge!”

      Oh my Salina!!! You had me bursting with laughter! 🤣😂🤣 Now, I think I can add that to my list too haha! Oh, since I’m letting you know …. may I “borrow” that line too? 😄💛👏 Super thanks for an amazing time together!!! 💕💕💕

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  2. I loved your answers and could identify with the rat anything buffets! But, if I could, like Jessica above, I’d tackle some global problems, such as global warming, disease, poverty, inequality etc

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    1. Wow Sheree! That’s why I totally admire you! You’re a woman of substance! ❤️ The world would greatly benefit from your vision and passion! ⭐️🌟💫✨⭐️🌟💫✨🌟💫⭐️🌟

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