My sweet friend, Yeka, who is beautiful both inside and out, has asked me to do another Guest Post here on her blog! This makes me smile big, 😁because she and I have a lot in common—We are all about LOVE. ❤️ 💜💛💚💙🧡!!! 

Here goes! She has asked me to share my Top 10 Life Lessons. When pondering about this one, my Mom immediately came to mind. She loved idioms! So I will throw “a few” of those in the mix! I don’t know where I would be today without her influence and advice, so I would like to share what she taught me. A code if you will, that I try to live by. These are in no particular order.

My Mama & Me

Top 10 Life Lessons from Renee at Heart Tokens!

1—Treat Others As You Would Want To Be Treated.
 It’s living life under the golden rule. Having empathy and kindness for your fellow man. Everyone deserves respect and love. 

2—Handsome Is As Handsome Does. Outward beauty isn’t true beauty. True beauty comes from within. It’s how you act and treat others that marks that beauty, and lets it shine forth through you!

3—The Best Things In Life Are Free. Number one on that list would be a smile. Why walk around looking like you’ve been baptized in pickle juice? Don’t worry how straight your teeth are. I’ve seen the most beautiful smiles with horrible teeth! But I could feel the love radiating from behind that smile and joy in that person’s eyes! So the bad teeth went unnoticed in my book. Kindness, mercy, love—they are all free. Don’t cost a thing to share with the world!

4—Let Things Roll Off You Like Water Off A Duck’s Back. There is something in a duck’s feathers that makes water just roll right off, without getting soaked. That’s how we should be. Don’t let the negativity of others stick. Their attitudes, words, actions. This one is a hard one, and many days will require just walking away without saying a word. Maybe even smiling while doing so!

5—What’s Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander. We should be fair and not show favoritism. We don’t treat the poor any different from the rich. Educated from the simple. All are on the same level at the foot of the cross.

6—The Grass Is Never Greener On The Other Side. If it is, it’s just the septic tank overflow! We should be content with what we have. Our possessions, our outward appearance. Don’t sweat the things we can’t change.

7—Hold Your Horses. Be patient. Good things come to those who wait. When us kids were in a hurry for something, Mama would usually remind us to hold our horses. She would get to it when she could.

8—Be The First To Raise The White Flag. Be quick to say your sorry, surrender or resolve an issue. It may have been the other person’s fault, but it will save a lot of heartache to try to make peace in the situation if possible.

9—Never Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have messed up on this one. What can I say? I tend to be pig-headed and a little hard-boiled at times!  It’s try and try again for me! It’s never a good idea to expect we will be getting a certain amount of money coming in and make a purchase “in advance.” Then, comes the unexpected—sickness, missed days at work, a cancelled job, a lay-off. There you are left holding the bag, so to speak! In a pickle!

10—The Sun Will Shine Again.   I can roll several idioms together in this one. Roll with the punches. Go with the flow. Things will often happen out of the blue. Nothing is sure but death and taxes  But the most important thing to remember when the bad days and events come our way, THE SUN WILL ALWAYS SHINE AGAIN!!! The sun will always come up and set each and every single day, till God calls us home. Then He will be THAT LIGHT. So, till then, I hope these things at least made you smile  and made you think  or at least stick to your guns  on what makes you successful in life! 

LAMPS: A special series of Top 10 Life Lessons ❤️

Thanks for your warm visit, friends!

For even brighter inspiration, do visit Renee on Heart Tokens!

Till our next run, here’s embracing valuable life lessons with you! ❤️


    1. My sweet honor ….. and loving commitment…. to continuously share LOVE and INSPIRATION! We are all here to share our gifts and passions …. and to make the world a better place!!! ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

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    1. Hi David and Laura! Sweet couple! And sweet of you to have dropped by! 💕💕💕 Cheers to all our amazing Moms indeed! After all, they are our very first teachers! 💐💐💐💐💐

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