Hey Big Bully! Don’t hit my body. Don’t hit my head. Don’t hit my heart. Don’t hit my soul. Don’t hit my spirit.

Many people fear bullies. Many people despise them. Many people misunderstand them.

For on the surface, they seem like dragons who heavily breathe fire on all those around them and beasts who wildly devour their prey.

They are known for their abusive claim of their territories. Their repugnant behavior in society. Their cataclysmic destruction of the world.

They are feared. They are dreaded. They are abhorred.

But Big Bullies are just Big Babies who have not outgrown their selfish childish mindset. They have not learned to cope with some harsh realities of life. They kick and lash out their tongues and fight with all their might. They do not know anything but pain, loss, sadness, loneliness, anger, hopelessness, fear. Yes fear. They are full of it. That’s exactly why they pounce on others in hopes of never being the victim caught unaware.

The tragedy of it all is that they themselves were bullied. They themselves were victims of untold negativity and violence. That’s exactly why they want to purge their bodies, minds, hearts, souls, and spirits of all the painful memories and unbearable wounds that continuously haunt them.

They want to escape that crazy world of physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual violence.

But how do you confront fear? How do you fight fear? How do you overcome fear? How do you silence fear? How do you break free from fear?

Do you jostle through the maddening crowd? Do you shout in spiteful rallies to be heard? Do you roar like a lion in the jungle of hatred? Do you combat in war with added layers of fear and violence?

No, you do nothing of that sort. Nothing of anything ill or evil or cruel or sickeningly resembling fear.

You do it powerfully with the greatest force in the entire universe.

You do it with LOVE. Only Love. Ultimately, Love washes away all fear. True Love. Pure Love.

So, the next time you see a Big Bully, you may want to reframe your mindset and play a kinder dialogue in your head.

I am definitely not condoning what bullies do. Farthest from it. On the contrary, I passionately espouse that their behavior has no place at all in this precious gift of life. I am pointedly saying, though, that bullies themselves are tragic victims who perpetuate further unacceptable violence.

And eradicating bully-packed violence is no mean feat. In fact, one can never totally get rid of this disease in society.

But instead of spewing lava-like words of judgment upon bullies, instead of adding fuel to the already uncontrollable fire, one can proactively douse the negativity and violence with intentional understanding and compassion.

Hey Big Bully! Here’s my body. I stand and stretch out my arms in connection with you. Here’s my head. I listen and want to understand you. Here’s my heart. I have compassion for you and I want you to know that you are not alone. You can slowly open your heart to receive the precious miracle of LOVE. Here’s my soul. It may take time for you to trust me, but it is worth the effort to find your true freedom. Here’s my spirit meeting you halfway and helping you open the door to life.

Yes, little child. Let go of the past. For your past does not define you. Break free from the chains of violence. Reclaim what is rightfully yours. Your life. Your freedom. Your body. Your mind. Your heart. Your soul. Your spirit.

You do matter. You do count. You are valuable. You are precious. You are worthy. You are accepted. You are free. YOU ARE LOVED. ❤️

67 thoughts on “HEY BIG BULLY! ❤️”

  1. Agreed. Good post.

    One thing we have found is that just about everyone is wounded as a child. When this happens we don’t know how to handle the pain so we internalize it.

    Now Jesus died to take our pain but if you don’t know Him, or don’t know how to release your pain to Him, you will keep being in pain. And it will get worse. You’ll begin to collect interest on the debt of pain by lashing out at others. By making others feel pain many think this releases the pain but it just creates more pain.

    This is where bullies live. In pain, creating pain. They can only live by the model they have been shown. Unless the model changes to Jesus and unless they can learn to release the pain they will continue to bully. They will miss forgiving and being forgiven. Very sad.

    Homer Les
    Uncompromising Faith

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Oh how powerfully expressed Homer! Thank you so much for shedding light on bullying …. and not just any beautiful light, but THE ETERNAL LIGHT, Our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! Yes, He alone can take away the pain …. as He himself bore all our pain and suffering on the cross…. He alone is OUR ANSWER. He alone can offer true freedom and unconditional redeeming love. How blessed we all are ….. May your message of hope touch even more hearts and more lives. May more and more find true release and emancipation from pain in JESUS. ❤️💛💚🧡💜💙❤️💛💚🧡💚💛🧡💙❤️

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Thank you for this most revealing post! I, the oftentimes Bully, terrorize myself, to get the love, meant to myself, God, and others. Love and Hate… two sides of the same coin; yet oh how we love to rant and rave about every little ache and pain in Life because we do not see the LOVE in, of, and through God that we are meant to have and give. Timothy

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Oh dear Timothy, I am most grateful for your loving authenticity. It takes courage. It takes humility. It takes love to be REAL. And you are real to the core. I am most blessed with your abundance in sharing your story, your journey, your life. Now that is LOVE. Thank you so much for your heartfelt LOVE. Sending you much love too! ❤️🧡💚💜💙💛💜💙💛💚🧡💜💙💚💛🧡❤️

      Liked by 3 people

    1. My beloved Kanika, you are truly BEAUTIFUL inside and out! And I love how you empower others with your passion to live life to the fullest. Thank you with so much LOVE!!! ❤️💕🥰❤️💕🥰❤️💕🥰❤️💕🥰❤️💕🥰❤️💕🥰❤️💕🥰❤️💕🥰

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Oh Kanika! You are truly my kind of BEAUTIFUL! Please continue being your awesomely inspirational self! The world needs so much more of YOU!!!!! 🌼🌼😀😀💫💫💫💫☀️☀️🌼😀🌼☀️💫⭐️⭐️⭐️💫💫😀😀🌼🌼

        Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you so much dear Leonard! Your inspiration warms my heart. And yes, TRUST GOD ALWAYS!!! 😀😀💛⭐️💫☀️☀️☀️😀😀💫☀️☀️☀️⭐️💫💛😀😀

      Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you for shining your wonderful light on me! ⭐️☀️💫💫😀💫💫☀️⭐️How I love your sweetest inspiration! Have a truly lovely and LOVE-filled day!!! 😀❤️😀💚😀🧡😀💛😀💙😀💜😀❤️

      Liked by 4 people

    1. Aww sweet Jessica! 🥰🥰🥰 You are always sweeter than the sweetest dessert! You always refresh me with your lovely inspiration and LOVE! Blowing kisses your LOVELY way!!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Grabe ka ….. you’re so adorable and cute! Love you dear sweet Jessica!!! Stay BEAUTIFUL inside and out! 💖🌷💖🌷💖🌷💖🌷💖🌷

        Liked by 3 people

    1. Powerful words Will! Thanks so much for being kick-ass awesome and truly inspiring! And I echo you…… No hate. Only LOVE!!! ❤️💛⭐️💫💫💫❤️💛⭐️💫💫💫❤️💛⭐️💫💫💫

      Liked by 3 people

  3. You are absolutely right, Yeka! I have found a lot of time bullies are miserable and are often haunted by their pasts or sometime current situations, and they feel that the only way they can find happiness it to bring others down. Kill them with kindness, I always say. 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

    1. KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS. Oh I love that Kristian! ❤️❤️❤️ I’ve had encounters with bullies in my younger days ….. and when I showed them the face of LOVE, they transformed in time. Miracles of LOVE they are today. 💕💕💕💕💕 INDEED LOVE ALWAYS PREVAILS!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much dear Kevin! My hope is that this message finds its way to many more open minds and hearts ….. so that there will be less of bullying …. and MORE ….. MUCH MIRE OF LOVE!!! ❤️💚🧡💛💜💙🧡💛💜💚💙❤️

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes Craig! Totally with you on that. 💙 Bullies mask their pain and find it quite unsettling to confront the underlying issues …… that’s why I realize they truly need light and loads of LOVE!!! For LOVE is the greatest light that can dispel any darkness! 💙💛⭐️💙💛⭐️💙⭐️💙💛⭐️💙💛⭐️💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sing in the voice of freedom and allow the change to be
    It is the symbol of goodness , progress is going to be ,
    Know the truth to set you free,
    Our eternity is a key ,
    Have a good insight for all to  see, God bless Lebanon symbolized by a Cedars tree …

    Liked by 4 people

  5. This is such a great post, Yeka and this resonates with me as well. When I was younger I was bullied quite a lot, and I had a father who was kind of a bully. My only wife was kind of a bully, and I’ve realized that after all of this, I too have become somewhat of a bully at times. For the longest time, I’ve thought of it only as a defense to protect me from the big bad world and all those bullies out there. However, I don’t want to have that effect on others out there!!! I want to be a source of inspiration and joy for my little girl. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing your great wisdom with the world. You’re an amazing woman. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I love your authenticity as always Mat. It proves how strong and real you are Soul Brotha. And although your path may have had bully-bumps along the way, that helped make you much stronger today. Now you have gained the compassion for victims of bullying and yet you have likewise gained understating for the bullies. That gives you far greater wisdom as you continue to navigate this beautiful yet complex world. You are an incredible inspiration! 😀

      I have had my share of bullies in my younger years too. And those setbacks have helped shape me into a better human being.

      After all, it’s not so much what happens to us in life, really. Rather, it’s our “response-ability” …… leading ultimately to our RESPONSIBILITY. Yes, the ultimate gift of CHOICE! ❤️

      And U salute you for choosing to be a continued source of inspiration and joy for your little girl. Boy, she is blessed way beyond words to have you as her loving Dad! 🥰


  6. This is an amazing post. It exposes what bullies go through underneath their facade. It also shows a way of dealing with bullies and that’s really nice. I love the fact that you pointed all these and more out without encouraging bullying.❤✨
    I remember being bullied in middle school for being black but now I don’t let that bring me down.
    Beautiful Post!❤❤❤❤✨✨✨✨

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh thank you so much for your powerful inspiration! ❤️✨

      Most of us come across a bully at some point in our lives. That may be quite daunting and disturbing at the moment, but that gives us the great opportunity to become stronger in our healthy self-care, self-love, self-nurturing, and self- protection. We learn to establish boundaries and teach others how to treat us with dignity as we treat them. We can choose to become better human beings ….. not allowing bullying to get the better of us.

      We can rise from the ashes and be POWER MESSAGES OF LOVE in the world. That’s what you are today!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨✨✨


    1. Oh Purple Rose, this is so sweet! Thanks so much for your loving nomination! Sending happy hugs your lovely, loving way!!! 💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷🌷💕🌷💕🌷💕🌷🌷💕


  7. Il bullo ha dentro di se una grande fragilità, la deve nascondere per sopravvivere a se stesso e al mondo.
    Purtroppo la loro ira spesso non permette alcun approcio, hanno bisogno di persone qualificate per potersi relazionare.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am equally passionate about this Kim. Bullying is terrible. It strips both the victim and the perpetrator of dignity ….. of life ….. of love…… We fight Bullying and win over it with LOVE!!! ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for all your LOVE!!! Stay Beautiful. Stay Empoweted. Stay Inspirational. ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕


    1. Thanks for sharing your insights …. yes Bullies attempt to strip people of dignity …. because they themselves long for dignity within their souls …… Our world truly needs LOVE…. ❤️💜💚🧡💛🧡💚💜❤️🧡💚💜💛❤️


  8. The name of the book is FREE US FROM BULLYING and the author’s name is Paul T. Coughlin . This is highly recommended for all schools, colleges, after school centers and recreation centers. This system works while no other ‘stop the bully’ system has been totally successful. Peace .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow thanks so much for sharing! That would be great to check out. Yes Peace! ❤️ And Love! ❤️💜💙💚💛❤️💚💙💛❤️


  9. This is an awesome post. I can relate because I too was bullied from grade six until I finally switched schools during my senior year in high school. It got so bad that I attempted suicide when I was 14 and almost didn’t make it.

    I even became a bully and bullied those who were weaker than me because I felt powerless and wanted to grab back some of the power that had been taken from me.

    When I transferred schools, I stopped being a bully because my new school was so much better and I absolutely loved it there. In my new high school, I had friends, I was accepted and I could finally be myself, relax and have fun.

    You’re so right! Bullies are not happy people and they bully others to make themselves feel better. Sadly, my old bullies from school are just as miserable today as they were back then and I can only feel sorry for them.

    Thank you so much for this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohhh I’m so sorry to hear about what you went through. And yet, I am so touched with your raw authenticity. It blesses my soul and countless others. Your POWER story powerfully moves my heart. Thank you so much. ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕


    1. Yes YOU play such a pivotal role in the lives of kids and teens. 🥰❤️😍Thank you for being a powerful beautiful blessing to us here at WordPress! ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

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