Have you ever felt that you were spinning in your head with the next item on your To Do List? Have you ever been swamped with so much work that you didn’t even know how to actually begin? Have you ever been startled by your alarm ringer on your smart phone that you pressed snooze and defiantly curled up in bed? Have you ever been caught in a horrendous traffic jam to the point of getting all antsy and critical spotting all the negatives on the road? Have you ever been barraged with so many texts, missed calls, tweets, and notifications that you wished you could put your phone on silent mode for a century or even throw it out of the window? Have you simply been overwhelmed with today’s unending expectations and demands on you from your family, your relatives, your friends, your colleagues, your clients, your community, your state, your country, and the rest of the universe, oh yes, and social media too?

I have come across a number of days like that in my life. Especially since I have consistently been passionate about loving life and building up others. Making the most out of my life experiences. Striving to bring out the best in others.

As a corporate trainer and training consultant through the years, I’ve partnered with clients to help them uphold their corporate vision and mission statements. We’ve worked on aligning their corporate values with measurable performance goals. We’ve aimed at translating these into professional proactive service behaviors in the line. The task at hand was gigantic, to say the least. And yet, the psychic rewards were beyond compare.

In the corporate arena, I sought to show up every day as my authentic, empathetic, and passionate self.

I would go beyond the lesson plan or process design of each training session I conducted. Sure, my main goal was to meet the terminal objectives set out specifically for the programs. Although candidly, I went beyond. I always loved to go beyond. I wanted to have those add-on lessons of professionalism, personal excellence, respect, care, and love.

In the same vein that many of us can relate to constantly pressing toward excellence in all our chosen fields and passions, many of us have also been saddled with days of media overstimulation and 24/7 demands set upon us by others who likewise want to live life to the fullest.

But what does “living life to the fullest” really mean? What are the standards of measurement? Can it even be quantified through a formula? Are there specific signposts that let you know you’re on the right track?

For many of us today, life has become a non-stop race for success even as one races exclusively with oneself. Life has become a theme park’s most challenging and heart-pounding ride. Life has become a series of exhilarating adventures. Life has become a TV reality show that exposes one’s strengths and vulnerabilities.

And although action and adventure are certified blockbusters in the film industry, there are moments in life that one simply becomes greater with that much needed pause. Yes that seemingly enigmatic moment that escapes the modern man. Time to reflect, to instrospect, to evaluate, to recalculate, to recalibrate, to recharge, to reimagine, to redesign, to rebuild, to rebrand.

For it is only in that sacred space, that personal zone, that Zen mindfulness that one can truly internalize the depth and width, the total circumference of one’s rich meaningful life and even more so, one’s impact on the rest of life itself.

And when one looks within, one hears his heartbeat and feels the pulsating rhythm. He rediscovers his enormous capacity to love. He sees his journey through fresh eyes of awe and wonder. He embraces his commitment to grow. He is reminded that life is filled with infinite possibilities. He is refreshed with renewed vigor, hope, faith, humanness, love.

He is ready to live again. He is inspired to connect with himself and the rest of the world. He is awakened to the bold truth that in this mystery and gift of life, he always has a choice. And he chooses LOVE. ❤️


67 thoughts on “STOP. LOOK.LOVE. ❤️”

  1. This is a good post and loved the message you delivered as well 👍 living the life to the fullest is not possible if we’re not doing what we love, if we’re not true to ourselves, so simple! No matter how busy it can get, how successful we are, famous, stylish etc… if we’re not happy when we’re alone with ourselves we need to change the plan
    Our aim is to be happy and I believe we can’t without love! All kind of love
    Best of luck in your journey and hope you’ll not be one time visitor 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Such an honor to receive your warmest support Huguette! I love your blog and I love your intelligent perspectives. You’re right. We all simply want to be happy. We attempt various methods and we take different roads. And yet ultimately, the only way to happiness is love. YES, IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That was some late reply 🙂
        It’s my pleasure and thank you for all the love and admiration you are expressing, I appreciate them 😊
        Wish you a life full of love and happiness 💕😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I know 😢….. the infant blogger that I am found your comment only yesterday (it was hidden in the “spam folder” along with some comments) ….. yikes I didn’t even know there was such a folder…. sorry about that ….. so glad I discovered it. But more than that, supremely glad I discovered your blog….. so blessed that our lovely paths crossed. You are so beautiful and abundant. Our WP family and community is much brighter with YOU! ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I wanted to tell you to check your spam but believe me after facing this issue like 100 times you start to let go , and thank you again for the kind words and glad as well to find your blog as well and have you in this community 🌞🌞😊

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Haha I have to be ready to deal with this “spam foler” issue … thanks for the heads up! Meanwhile, so grateful to be part of this awesome community. Thanks so much for your blog Huguette …. I love it! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. A lovely read, first for your commitment to bring love, joy, and excellence to what you do and how you live, but also the advice to pause and savor. To me, that’s the part that needs a bit of attention – putting effort into not exerting effort! Ha ha. Here’s to being mindfully present. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your gift of sweet encouragement Diana! And yes, I love the way you put it – – – putting effort into not exerting effort haha! Mindfulness is our battlecry haha! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for your gift of sweet encouragement Diana! And yes, I love the way you put it – – – putting effort into not exerting effort haha! Mindfulness is our battlecry haha! ❤️


  4. Awesome post! Such a great message. It’s so important that we have moments of stillness so we can focus on our intentions and what life is all about (LOVE). Lovely read 💞

    Liked by 2 people

      1. My husband and I visited India. For us, the Taj Mahal was perfection. And we loved how it stood for something beyond beauty – – – LOVE! ❤️


  5. For I, living life to the fullest means I first, then the rest of the world. Don’t take I wrong, am not a total prick. But, but, now days I stopped going an extra mile to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. That time is best spent doing something I enjoy or helping another 😄😊😆😉


    1. I salute you on that Joseph. We need to prioritize ourselves (not in an egotistical manner, mind you) ….. we need to learn self-care, self-nurturing, self-protection, self-development, self-management, self-love. For it is only when our glass is full and overflowing with goodness, abundance, and grace that we can actually give so much ….. yes so much more …. to others. So we need to be judicious in how we manage even our energy, our resources, our time, our gifts. For ultimately, our goal is to make it a LIFESTYLE (not only a “project” with a deadline) of giving to ourselves first before we can reach that grace of giving of ourselves to others. With so much love. The world would be willing to “wait” for us …. if only it knew the depths of abundance we would love to share when our rivers overflow ….. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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