Turn your wounds into wisdom, your hurt into healing and your breakdown into a breakthrough. — #MILLENNIALLIFECRISIS ❤️

I’ve always believed that we can turn our messes in life into our POWER MESSAGES! Love this powerful reminder from our dear fellow blogger Vee of Milleniallifecrisis! Do visit her amazing blog for even more powerful inspiration! ❤️

Dear Self, When life gets hard, it’s easy to crawl into bed, hide under the covers and wait for it to pass you by. It’s easy to think you’re not capable or you’re not good enough you just don’t deserve. Things might really suck right now. It might feel like the darkest of the dark […]

Turn your wounds into wisdom, your hurt into healing and your breakdown into a breakthrough. — #MILLENNIALLIFECRISIS

30 thoughts on “Turn your wounds into wisdom, your hurt into healing and your breakdown into a breakthrough. — #MILLENNIALLIFECRISIS ❤️”

    1. Il tuo vero potere è dentro! Ci alziamo tutti dalle nostre ceneri. E apprezziamo le nostre cicatrici in battaglia. Sono grandi maestri. Grazie per aver condiviso il tuo wolrd. Ti voglio bene! ❤️💙💚💜💛

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    1. Yes Kim!!! Our much dreaded scars actually turn out to be our best friends and teachers. They open doors to change and lessons. We always have a CHOICE! And our choices shape our lives! Thanks for sharing your powerful insights! ❤️💙💜💛💚

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    1. Totally!!! Yes Laura …. I love how we can make the most out of what life brings our way…. Ultimately, WE RISE!!!! In every powerful, beautiful, inspiring, and kick-ass way! YEAH!!!!! ❤️💜💙💚💛🧡

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