The most powerful force in the entire universe. Love.

And yet, when we look around and marinate ourselves in global news, we read, we hear, we see a plethora of disturbing violence and destruction. An inundation of doom and gloom.

Then, we begin to wonder, “Does Love really have a future?”

But when you shoot that dark-colored question to people of the Light, you instantly see a world of hope. A ray of beaming smiles. A totally bright future for Love.

These are the very people I celebrate my life with. Theirs are the voices that I listen to. For their messages of Love resonate deep within my soul. 

Yes, I stay most grateful for my Beloveds. My nieces, my nephews, my Godchildren.


NICKY, 5 ❤️

Love is mommy, daddy, ate and me. I love my mommy and daddy so much. Daddy is my hero and mommy is my best friend.

CASEY, 7 ❤️

Love is a warm, happy feeling that I get when I am with my family or friends. Love can help me in my future because it gives me inspiration to be a better person. I show my love to my family by being a good kid like being obedient and respectful to them.

GABE, 10 ❤️

Love is a feeling where one person is attracted to another person. Love can help you learn from your old mistakes. I show love by caring for my friends and family. I also help them.

TIGER, 11 ❤️

Love is caring for someone. Helping. Appreciation. Being a better person. I show my love by helping my parents in house chores. Getting good grades.

LIAM, 12 ❤️

Love is like a tree..when it falls apart, love breaks. Love can help me through the love and support of my family. Their love can give me a better future. I can show my love to my family by protecting them all the way.

NATHAN, 13 ❤️

Love is having a deep affection towards someone you’re comfortable with. Love will make you grow not only to become a better person, but a person who values their relationships. You just have to show respect and discipline to your family. That is the simplest way to show your love to them.

NIGEL, 13 ❤️

Love is a strong affection for a person. Love helps me keep doing what I want and it prepares me for something bigger. I can show love by helping others and communicating with them.

NICOLE, 14 ❤️

Love is learning and growing and showing appreciation towards the people you care about. When it comes to love, there will be good and bad things—but that’s okay. I can learn from each of the things I might do whether it be good or bad and apply that in the future so that I know what needs to be done and what I should stop/avoid doing. Love comes in all forms—friendship, family, romantic, etc. But for each, the one thing I can do is show the people around me that I do care by helping them whenever something goes wrong and willingly use my time to prioritize and spend time with them.

CHILI, 15 ❤️

For me, Love is an emotion that does not only allow you to empathize with others, but connect and understand others on a deeper level. Love is what causes multiple emotions in you all at once because of the immense feelings Love can give you. Love will help me shape my future because I know it will allow me to understand my emotions better through the experiences I go through with the people that I continue to and stop loving. I can show Love by having proper communication with others and using kind and encouraging words. Nowadays, we use social media as a means to receive compliments and understand “Love”, yet we forget that simple Face-to-face communication can be more intimate…

DRAKE, 15 ❤️

Love is something that they cannot take away from you. The love I receive from my parents is something I am born with. Love can help me feel better whenever I get low grades in school. The love and support I get helps me to try harder in school and become a better person. I can show my love to my family by giving them good grades. This makes them happy and proud of me.

JEWEL, 16 ❤️

For me, love is giving someone (or even yourself) all the respect and all hope they need. That means that although you may not always agree with them, you still acknowledge their feelings, and sometimes they may make mistakes, but you still care for them despite that. For self-love, it means loving yourself although you yourself know that you’re not perfect. You give yourself time and space to grow. Love can help me in many ways – it can be where I find motivation and hope, and it can also be the one to help me find the purpose of my life. Love doesn’t always have to be romantic, it can come in many shapes and forms, some of them so diverse that it surprises you! I genuinely believe that love is felt in the simplest things – being kind to strangers, helping others with small mundane tasks, it genuinely makes people feel valued and makes them feel real love!

RIANNA, 18 ❤️

Love is when you give a special part of you to someone/something without expecting anything in return. For me, it is as simple as being there for my friends, spending time with my family, and thanking God for my blessings. Love can go in many ways as long as it is from the heart. When we learn to love, we also learn how to see everything with love. We become positive even if we are given the most difficult situations. We treat people with kindness even if they are full of hatred. Futures depend on how we treat our present. As mentioned, when we love, we see things positively. Life can be tough at times, but we can always choose to overcome it. For me, simple things can really go a long way! Love does not have to be buying flowers for your partner, it could also mean asking the person how he/she is. It does not have to be giving the most expensive bag to someone, it could also mean saying “I love you” to your mom every night before bed. Like what was mentioned above, love can be anything as long as it is from the heart. Spread the love!

ARIANNE, 18 ❤️

Love is completely unconditional. It has no conditions. When we truly love someone, we can’t stop loving them, regardless of what they do or say. Love is selfless. True love doesn’t want anything in return, because there is nothing it needs. We just love for the sake of love. When we love someone, we don’t look for them to fill our needs, love us back, and all those types of things.

DARI, 18 ❤️

LOVE is a feeling of comfort, a feeling to be vulnerable and to let go of inhibitions and the borders one builds up with a certain person; to truly be yourself and in the moment with no fear of judgment or hate. Furthermore, LOVE is a willingness to sacrifice, to give up comfort, time and effort to help to those who need it the most and to those who you love. LOVE can help shape my future as I believe it gives a sense of selflessness and charity to the person who practices it. And virtues like that truly help one excel in the future whether near or far. In the concept of making LOVE more real for others. I truly believe that the only way to do that is to have that love deeply rooted within yourself, for it to be firm and steady like a sycamore tree. Because of the fact you cannot genuinely give what you, yourself do not have. So to make LOVE more real for those you intend to share it with, you must learn to truly fall in love with yourself.

MARTIN, 20 ❤️

Love is being there for someone through thick and thin. It can help my future because I know that I have my friends and family who love me and I feel more confident because of that. Always give back the same love that people give to you.

DIEGO, 21 ❤️

Love is a choice. A choice to be selfless, to think about something or someone before yourself! The easiest way love can shape my future is by allowing it to take control of my life. If I allow myself to choose to put others before me, I have already fulfilled life’s greatest mandate–to serve others without expecting anything in return. How do I show my love? Simple, by making sure that I choose them every single day. It’s easy to say that I love my parents or my friends.

REGGIE, 22 ❤️

Love is a feeling towards someone you care for. Love is what makes life beautiful, without love, life will have meaningless chapters. Loving someone is unconditional. You don’t love a person because you need something, you love someone because it is eternal and that is how it will shape your future, by being with the person you will love for a lifetime. Spread love and smiles instead of hate and insecurities!

And so, if at any point in time, you begin to wonder about the future of Love, just look within and find the answer.




38 thoughts on “THE FUTURE OF LOVE ❤️”

  1. Smiles.. i once visited a Blog Named
    Decoding Happiness Smiles
    And ‘HeaR’ i Am at
    Passcode Love
    Yes Yeka FRiEnD
    It’s True it’s All About LoVE NoW
    to Be Kind to Be Understanding
    And Most of All to Forgive This
    Condition of Being Human in
    All that Ranges From
    BLacK Abyss
    to SHades
    of Grey
    Beyond Rainbow
    Colors of Blissful
    Joy To Give and Share
    Free For All For Giving
    Is the Forgiveness
    of Sharing
    in Advance
    Eternally Now
    Smiles my Friend for
    Every Human Who Takes
    The Teachings of ‘the Beatitudes’
    to HeART of SPiRiT Soul of Dance And
    Song’s Fruition DarK Thru LiGHT
    As God’s (Love’s) Cheerleaders
    (God) The Communion of Love
    Becomes Real as
    Two and More
    Humans Becomes
    ThE Living LiGHT oF LoVE
    The Most Amazing ParT iS it doesn’t
    Matter What Language or Even What
    Planet someone is From the Essence
    Of This Love is Real And Lives as Loving Souls
    When Real..
    Smiles Your Family
    Shows How Love Evolves
    When Planted As Roses
    Where Flowers Color
    All Thorns With
    Love as
    By Tender Loving
    Care Flowers Rise
    Flowers Fall Gift
    oF LoVE Remains
    Colors of Heaven Now..
    SMiLes So Many Hues of Joy..:)

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Thanks for a most Amazing Blog Post
        From Pass Code Love..
        Yeka.. Interviewing
        Your Family their
        Views on Love
        From Small
        Child to Adult
        Such an Amazing
        Effort Sharing Good
        News Views on Love
        Truly a Blog Post
        Worth Book
        Marking to
        Share now
        With others
        Kudos on
        A Grand And
        Great Work of
        Love by You and
        Your Family
        For Giving
        Thanks Giving
        For the Power of Love

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Wow oh wow!!! 😀😀😀Thanks for your huge appreciation….. and amazingly powerful inspiration as always!!! CHEERS DEAR FRED AND KATIE MIA!!! ❤️⭐️❤️⭐️❤️⭐️❤️⭐️❤️⭐️❤️⭐️💫💫💫💫

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Wooooow yay!!!! Would love to! Love your happy inspiration as always! 🌼⭐️🌟💫⭐️🌟💫⭐️🌟💫🌼⭐️🌟💫⭐️🌟💫🌼


    1. Ohhhh YOU are very kind! 🥰Thank you so much for blessing me with your LOVE! YOU inspire me!!! ❤️💛💚🧡💜🧡💚💛❤️⭐️💫⭐️💫⭐️💫⭐️💫⭐️💫


    1. Oh Pooj! 🥰 YOU are likewise a powerful beautiful reminder that LOVE still very much exists here in WordPress! And that WP has a bright glorious future! Thanks for shining your amazing light on me! ❤️💜💚💙💛💚💙💚❤️⭐️💫💫💫💫💫💫💫

      Liked by 2 people

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