How To Maintain Balance In Your Life While At University

University is one of those things where if you let it, it can really consume all your time. It’s easy to fall into a pattern of only focusing on work and putting all the other important things in your life on the back burner. However, this is not exactly healthy because you need to have balance in your life because if you don’t have balance it’s easy to get exhausted, suffer from mental health problems and even physical problems. Here are some ways that can help you bring balance to your life while at university:

  1. Plan everything/keep a schedule– I would highly recommend getting a planner or scheduling your time in other ways. It will help to organise your time so that you don’t end up spending too much time on one thing and not enough on another. 
  2. Take some “me” time– I know it can be overwhelming with all the work you get from university but it’s also important to take some time off to focus on yourself and just relax. Whether it’s reading, sleeping, watching TV, yoga, meditation or pretty much anything just remember to breathe. 
  3. Mental health is important– your mental health should be your priority especially when you are at university because it’s easy to forget about it and end up being totally mentally exhausted due to stress and overworking. It helps to not leave assignments till the last minute because it can get very stressful to do everything at the last moment. Remember to seek help if you feel really overwhelmed.
  4. Don’t try to do everything– even though balance is good don’t overstretch yourself by trying to do too much. It’s okay to not be perfect all the time, it’s okay to not do everything at once and it’s also okay to spend some time doing absolutely nothing.  

I want to thank Yeka for giving me the opportunity to post on her blog and I really hope everyone enjoys this post!

GATES: A special series that focuses on healthy self-love, self-value, self-care, self-nurturing, and self-empowerment. ❤️

For even more powerful inspiration, do visit Pooja on Lifesfinewhine!❤️

Till our next run, may we live boldly and courageously knowing that we have the power to be the best version of ourselves! ❤️



The Mind of a Champion!

I’ve learned and am learning to live a purposeful life while dealing with challenges of my disability.

Today’s blog post on how to live beyond your limitations despite living with a disability is about the purpose of this website though I shared my bouts with fear, insecurities, low self-esteem, and depression. It all stemmed from how I saw myself. I am planning great things for my website. My goal is to talk about what it takes to live and cope with a disability and still have a purposeful life.

Whether you have a physical disability or not we all face our challenges every day.  Let’s tell our stories! And, I’m not talking about a “pity party” story. I don’t want people to feel sorry for us. I want them to see a champion!

Someone who gets up every day who gets up despite the pain, suffering and discomfort.

That’s a champion in my book!

A champion is not just about receiving recognition from others. Your courage to get back up every day and fight makes you a champion. The only one who needs to recognize that is you. You need to embrace that you are a champion. We are made in the image of God; He put within us the ability to be conquerors but whether you walk in who God has called you to be is up to you.

Even in the face of these challenges, keep moving forward…

GATES: A special series that focuses on healthy self-love, self-value, self-care, self-nurturing, and self-empowerment. ❤️

For even more powerful inspiration, do visit Kim of Beyond My Limitations! ❤️

Till our next run, may we live boldly and courageously knowing that we have the power to be the best version of ourselves! ❤️




I saw this statement on a meme. It takes a certain amount of courage to not be bothered by being liked.

The people pleaser in me would never allow it. There were times I forced a smile or a conversation with someone who I knew didn’t like me or gave off the aura that I wasn’t worth their time. Imagine using all that time and energy trying to convince someone how much of a great person you are instead of letting them think whatever they want and going on with your day.

At one point I was fearful of being disliked by people to point where I changed my desires and thoughts. I stopped doing what I felt was right for me and my context and every decision had to be approved by someone.

Now you would think I would be past all of that, huh. Sometimes, I’m still fearful but sometimes I don’t care what you think.

Many of us worry too much of what others think of us—our worrying stems from the fear of being judged.

How do we stop being bothered by the opinions and perceptions of others?

We understand that what people think of us has no hold on our destiny and it doesn’t change what God thinks of us.

GATES: A special series that focuses on healthy self-love, self-value, self-care, self-nurturing, and self-empowerment. ❤️

For even more powerful inspiration, do visit Kim of Beyond My Limitations! ❤️

Till our next run, may we live boldly and courageously knowing that we have the power to be the best version of ourselves! ❤️




What is the first thing that pops in your mind when you hear the word beauty?

What does beauty mean to you and how are you self-imposing your perceptions on to other people?

These things have been crossing my mind lately because of how the “world” defines what beauty is to us. I have been meditating on the scripture that says, I am fearfully and wonderfully made in His image (Psalm 139:14) and it made me rejoice as a woman, a servant of God and yes a former mirror addict. True beauty is knowing who we are beyond the mirror. It is perfectly okay not to look like other people and not to get your identity confused with what your appearance is on the outside. Remember, people see the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart (I Samuel 16:7). I realized that there are not enough people who the world considers beautiful, speaking metaphorically, that “beauty is more than skin deep”. People that the world often dismisses. The people who actually “add” value to your life but instead they are unworthy of your time and because they are not pretty by the world’s standards.

While outward beauty isn’t everything that is what most people focus on because of not being able to look within and see their beauty from their Creator and for their character. I know a lot of women who are pretty but have a bad attitude. As ladies, we tend to look towards these types of women as models that defines what beauty is, why? When was the last time you looked towards someone who was broke as inspiration to become wealthy? When was the last you looked to someone for mentorship to start a business and they can’t even hold down a job? More than likely, you went to someone who wasn’t in your situation, or who had gotten out of it. This leads to an even bigger conversation and what it means to live authentically. I define living authentically as being who God created me to be, knowing my identity is not in the world but in Him.

We should address how we see beauty. It may be hard to discuss and digest, but the conversation is worth the self-reflection.

Leave your comments below and let’s discuss, what does beauty mean to you?

GATES: A special series that focuses on healthy self-love, self-value, self-care, self-nurturing, and self-empowerment. ❤️

For even more powerful inspiration, do visit Kim of Beyond My Limitations! ❤️

Till our next run, may we live boldly and courageously knowing that we have the power to be the best version of ourselves! ❤️




One of my classmates stated she is going to speak on the topic of mental health for the course of  the term for our assignments. Her topic caught my attention and I can’t wait to see how her project unfolds. There is a stigma to mental health. We usually think of someone with psychological issues when we think of mental health. That is part of it but that is just the tip of the iceberg. A person who internalizes their feelings can experience depression and social issues.

Too many people are suffering in silence. Our neighbors, colleagues and even members at our church and our social media friends may not look like they are struggling because most people don’t post about their sadness and shame.

We have become good at hiding our suffering.

In vulnerable and authentic conversations, I hear people say…everyone seems to have it all together.

So, who do you talk to?

Some people don’t talk to their family members because they are part of the problem—they don’t share what’s going with someone in their church because everyone appears to have this perfect life.

Shame wins when you remain silent about your pain because of fear and judgement.

I want to inspire the courage to share your pain with someone who has wisdom and compassion. I do not want people to suffer in silence like I did during my teens and beyond. By reaching out and getting the right kind of support you can begin to heal.

It can be scary to reach out for help. Sometimes you don’t know who to trust or who to talk to. We need to cultivate in our community of faith permission to share struggles. The scripture says in James 5:16 therefore, openly acknowledge your sins to one another, and pray for each other, so that you may be healed (Complete Jewish Bible).

My challenge is for you is to reach out to someone—Whether it’s to show your care for someone or to reach out for your own help.

Never underestimate the power of a courageous act.

I would like to invite you to the Rock Church where the power of God will meet you right at the place of your need. Come experience our dynamic worship services Sundays @ 10 am and our miracle and empowerment service @ 6pm. We are located at 9321 Edgebrook Houston, TX 77075. Not in town? No worries, you can steam in at or Facebook live at Reflection of Christ Kingdom.

GATES: A special series that focuses on healthy self-love, self-value, self-care, self-nurturing, and self-empowerment. ❤️

For even more powerful inspiration, do visit Kim of Beyond My Limitations! ❤️

Till our next run, may we live boldly and courageously knowing that we have the power to be the best version of ourselves! ❤️