Hi friends! I’ve always loved doors! In my life, they represent fresh opportunities, adventures, pointers, lessons, revelations, celebrations, and more.

In our WP community, opening doors translates into a renewed appreciation for our beloved fellow bloggers and their deeply cherished blogs. 

Through my Doors Series, I aim to give our fellow bloggers the gift of sharing a piece of their world. I invite them to guest post on my blog and share their message, their story, their heart. I also encourage them to show how our blogs and worlds link together in love.

After all, IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE. 

Today, we happily knock on the door of a dear friend and fellow blogger

Renee from Heart Tokens

Thank you Yeka for considering me for a guest post on your blog! I am truly and deeply honored! You are so very important to our WP community! Always bringing sunshine and smiles to our days! And your posts are so inspirational and full of love! 

I love Yeka’s theme, “It’s all about love.” That’s what every one of us should be about. To love as we would want to be loved. I am reminded of one of my favorite scriptures that sums up what love really is. I love this version:

“…Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, Doesn’t have a swelled head, Doesn’t force itself on others, Isn’t always “me first,” Doesn’t fly off the handle, Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, Doesn’t revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.

But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:3-7, 13 MSG

For the last couple of days, I have been reminded that LOVE NEVER GIVES UP! Without going into details, a certain situation really hurt me this weekend. God never promised that when we love others with all our heart, that they will in turn treat us the same way. It’s a lot of times the total opposite. People who love deeply, a lot of times get hurt deeply. 

I wanted and felt like giving up on this person. I was just fed up with the drama…just being honest…But I was reminded in several of your posts yesterday and today, that LOVE doesn’t EVER give up, because God never gives up on us. 

We all need those reminders that it’s all about LOVE. Let the negativity roll like water off a duck’s back! Don’t let it cling to you. We have to shake it off and keep loving like Jesus!

I could share so many ways that love has changed my life. Like tonight for instance. I texted to check on someone. Long story short, this person blessed my heart! They showed that love that Jesus loves us with! I was encouraged and was totally crying my eyes out! Now that my friend is LOVE IN ACTION!

That LOVE is what my blog is really about. It started with sharing my “Love Tokens” from God. A lot of times when I have been praying or going through something, a dragonfly will appear really close to me or I will find or see hearts in the strangest places! I feel they are His love letters to me! 

There are others here who are seeing the hearts, as well! I do believe that God loves us all so much that He wants us to know. 

He wants us to know that He understands what we are going through. That He hasn’t left us. He’s always watching over us. He cares, and He has a place prepared for those He loves! I’m excited about that! Heaven will be ALL ABOUT LOVE!!! 

I want to thank everyone here on WP—it’s like a network of LOVE. A lot of people here are so kind and love like Jesus! I am so grateful to be a part of this great big family! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! And remember, I’TS ALL ABOUT LOVE!!!

Thanks so much for opening your door to us, dear Renee! ❤️

You speak with such warmth and fervor. We feel your love and passion for Jesus. We feel your sweetest appreciation for our WP family. And we embrace you in love.

May your days be filled with abounding blessings and signs of God’s Love. And may your heart be filled with many more smiles. After all, your greatest gift that you bless us with is your lovely heart! ❤️

So friends, thanks for dropping by!

Do give Renee a special knock on Heart Tokens!

Till our next run of Doors, I wish everyone many happy, love-filled days ahead.

And here’s looking forward to opening more Doors with you!


  1. I read something on Facebook once “‘Love never fails’. So if it fails, it wasn’t love”. I know we fail to love as we ought. But by the grace of God, our love will never ultimately fail, but last forever. I know romantic love is “til death us do part”, but spiritual love is for eternity. Not even death can separate us from God’s love!

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      1. Yeka, so sorry I’m just now getting around to answering your lovely comment! 😆 It was my daughter’s birthday today, and we spent it together, eating out at Olive Garden and shopping at the mall. We enjoyed our fun-filled day! You, my friend, are a great big gift with a great big bow on top! A blessing!💛🤗🌻


    1. Thank you kindly Ryan! It was an absolute honor and pleasure to open the door to my friends and new ones as well! God Bless everyone for stopping in for a visit! And I’m so glad I have met Yeka. We share the same heartbeat! It’s all about LOVE! 🙂🌻

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    1. Oh thanks for your warmest appreciation Stu! ❤️❤️❤️ Would love the honor of having you Guest Post too. Till then, let’s always LIVE IN LOVE! 🙏🙏🙏

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